Loved this one! Also, check out Enkay for rugs. So soft, cozy, and high quality. There’s usually a code floating around somewhere!

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Okay these are GORGEOUS. Love a thick plush wool rug. Thank you for the tip, just in time for BF 😍

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Great post. Every business person needs to hear this!

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Thank you, Eric, glad you think so!

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Such a good one, Kira 👏🏻👏🏻

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^-^ Thanks, Kevinnnn

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Very thoughtful post - I fully agree that brand develops from the inside out. It’s very hard to build a brand externally when employees don’t actually buy into the thing you’re doing…

I think the “buy in” comes from experiencing the brand firsthand. We talk a lot about activations / experiences for customers, but what about for employees? We can’t expect people to champion ideas if they don’t understand what they mean in practice.

For example, if one value is “do the right thing” (for a brand that champions integrity) they could create a forum where people nominate their peers for doing just that - and celebrate the ‘best right thing’ every month by awarding the winner $$. Actually putting the values - and the brand DNA - in practice. Just a thought.

Thanks for the insight!

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love the idea of putting the brand DNA in practice. Excellent thought, Tamara!

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You put this so so well - I was speaking to a client about brand as an enabler for the org just this week. In that mindset, the KPIs for brand go further than immediate return on an ad, but to overall organizational agility, alignment, and productivity

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Yes, exactly!! Eloquently put, Michelle, thank you 🙏

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Regarding the Thanksgiving dessert question, I am going rogue this year. It’s a toss up between that delightfully pink cranberry curd tart with gingersnap crust, or Martha Stewart’s cranberry and wine-poached pear pie with star anise and cardamom.

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I've never made a cranberry dessert (other than sauce) but the tanginess does seem like the perfect complement to all the richness! But I'd still add whipped cream!

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