This newsletter is phenomenally excellent. I loved every part of it, but "enshittification" really is the business buzzword we need now.

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I am now interested in your breakdown of platform. This is amazing!

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Another sizzling hot take, Kira. The all-in-one shampoo had me cackling. It can be so easy to stay in the weeds through a strategy or messaging process and forget to challenge a lot of these tropes. I'm curious your take on getting clients on board from moving away from this language ("platform" included — dear god, let's bury that, too) and shifting to more of a "how" and "why" focused messaging vs. the bloated or meaningless "what" ? I've found success in sharing the language competitors are using as a case to further differentiate, but (to me) a shift in language or words is only the first step in a shift in how you approach messaging at a brand level. Have you ever run into having to change the minds of well-meaning tech founders who think these words help them more than hurt them, and what was successful?

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